The Cannabis Corner
The Cannabis Corner is an open conversation about marijuana and where it is headed in America. As cannabis becomes more mainstream and yet is still misunderstood, The Cannabis Corner strives to bring truthful language to the subject. Hosted by author Joshua Braff and Medical Marijuana CareGiver Adam Titelbaum, this podcast sheds light on questions about medicinal marijuana as a healthier alternative to alcohol or pills. All questions are important. What’s a CBD? What edibles should I try for sleep? How do I know what too much looks like? What is dabbing? Is vaping safer than smoking? Is it safe to buy it where I live? Format includes focused discussion with guests, call-in questions and in Episode One, an interview with actor/director Zach Braff. The goal is to present an accessible and warm community of flat out understanding. We get it, ask us. Have a listen and please let us know what you think - and let us know your questions. See you in the Corner!
The Cannabis Corner
The Cannabis Corner Ep #17: The Pet Show, Plus: Most Common Ailments for Cannabis as Medicine
Joshua Braff, Adam Titelbaum
Season 1
Episode 17
On Episode 17 of The Cannabis Corner we discuss the Pet Industry and how important cannabis as medicine has played into remedies for dogs and cats. Dr. Angie Krause from Boulder speaks of how legality made people much more curious about how they might help their pets feel better without heavy chemicals. There was a rush to understand cannabis from the medical point of view because there was so much demand from her clients. Dr. Angie says there were great results daily and that people were saying that the anxiety, arthritis and pain relief were minimized by doses of CBD. For these pets the oil extracted from the plant is the preferred remedy. Veterinarians are also using a Seed and Stem product in a capsule that is showing amazing and fast results. THCA is also a property of the plant that is working best for pets because it’s not THC and so it has no psycho-active results. Edibles with high THC that end up in your dogs stomach can make them very ill and lead many ER veterinarians to believe that cannabis is not good at all for dogs. Just like with humans, dogs and cats can benefit greatly but of course education is crucial. Danielle Schumaker is an assistant to Dr. Frank Lucido from Berkeley, CA. We discuss what Danielle sees most coming through her very busy office. Most patients have chronic pain, she says, and cancer patients have been coming in more lately, because more oncologists are sending patients to Dr. Lucido’s office. Anxiety is seen in all ages, sometimes the anxiety is secondary to another diagnoses, like high blood pressure or diabetes. Sleep is also a prevailing issue in the office and the discussion is always about tempering the use of pharmaceuticals. Menopause and its side effects has lately become a big topic of discussion. Kids are reading about their own possibilities for relief of anxiety online, and parents and kids need to find remedies and language they can agree upon. Danielle speaks of the stigma that remains in the doctor’s office, where insurance and uncertainty about cannabis as medicine is still present, even though so much success is being found.