The Cannabis Corner

The Cannabis Corner Ep #18: Overeating Edibles and The Pet Show, Part Two

Joshua Braff, Adam Titelbaum Season 1 Episode 18
On Episode 18 of the Cannabis Corner we have Jody from Berkeley discussing a “panic attack” after eating too many cannabis brownies. She describes a very common side effect that people can easily face with overeating edibles. Jody thought she was going to die and called 911. She was always safe, medically, but got tangled up enough in her brain that she was horrified. More with Veterinarian Dr. Angie Krause who discusses her experience with cannabis as medicine for dogs and cats. Dr. Krause is a holistic practitioner and is very encouraged by the quick and lasting healing going on with pets who’ve been prescribed CBD. The discussion in the pet world moves quickly to what this might mean for horses and live stock, although cost is an issue to create enough CBD for cattle feed, etc. We learn CSU, Colorado State University, is at the forefront of research for animals and cannabis as medicine.