The Cannabis Corner

The Cannabis Corner Season 2, Ep 8: Ellen Komp, Deputy Director of California NORML and FLA Law

Joshua Braff, Adam Titelbaum Season 2 Episode 8
Ellen Komp is the Deputy Director of California NORML, an organization of education and truth regarding cannabis legality. Ellen has 25 years in the industry and speaks of when Hemp was the focus to bridging an understanding the benefits of the herb. Ellen is terrific in describing the evolution of the road to the current gold rush. This is the slow burn of progress we’re living that began centuries ago, and had to chug through the 80’s and 90’s. There is now an immediacy of importance for getting certain patients the meds they deserve. Caller John from Florida discusses how cannabis changed his life, helped him concentrate and be able to avoid other crutches like alcohol. Florida just legalized cannabis recreationally, and this interview took place prior to this amazing news. Important dialogue in how John would have been yet another victim of substance abuse if he wasn’t able to find cannabis. His testimony is very common and involves a story of success and health made by a lifted stigma that has arrived with legality.